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verknüpfte Veröffentlichungen
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Eighteenth - century psalmody / Webbe, Samuel. - London : Stainer and Bell, c 2007
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Faszination Klavier ; Bd. 1, ... / Telemann, Georg Philipp. - 7., komplett durchges. Aufl. - München : Ricordi, 2003
3. |
The theater music of Samuel Arnold : a thematic index / Hoskins, Robert H. B.. - Warren, Mich. : Harmonie Park Press, 1998
4. |
Six overtures for the harpsichord or piano forte : opera VIII / Arnold, Samuel. - [Faks. d. Ausg.] London [1771] - New York : Performers' Facsimiles, 1992
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A select collection of the most admired songs, duetts, &c. ; from operas in the highest esteem, and from other works, in Italian, English, French, Scotich, Irish, &c., & c ; in three [four] books ; Tomo 3, Ariette nazionali, notturni, canzonette, rondo, duettini, terzetti, quartetti e canoni : in lingua italiana, francese, inglese, scozzese e irlandese / Bernardi, Paola. - [Faksimile] - Bologna : Bardi, 1992
6. |
A select collection of the most admired songs, duetts, &c. ; from operas in the highest esteem, and from other works, in Italian, English, French, Scotich, Irish, &c., & c ; in three [four] books ; Tomo 2, Arie e duetti inglesi / Bernardi, Paola. - [Faksimile] - Bologna : Bardi, 1991
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Sechs Duette für 2 Flöten ; 2, Nr. 4 - 6 / Haydn, Joseph. - [Partitur und Stimme], [Faks.-Ausg.] - Wien : Universal Ed., [c 1987]
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The review, or, The wag of Windsor : a comic opera, in two acts / Colman, George, the Younger. - 3rd ed - New-York : David Longworth, 1817
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Six duos pour deux flûtes : op. 104, liv. 2 / Haydn, Joseph. - Stimmen - Bonn : Simrock, [ca. 1803]
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Auld Robin Gray : a pastoral entertainment, in two acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Hay-Market. Written by S. Arnold, Jun. The music by Dr. Arnold / Arnold, Samuel. - London : printed for Geo. Goulding, NO. 6, James-Street, Covent-Garden, 1794